
>> Monday, October 27, 2008

One question: Do you ever get haunted by the decision you made from the past ?

I seriously mean the word "haunted"


1. inhabited or frequented by ghosts: a haunted castle.
2. preoccupied, as with an emotion, memory, or idea; obsessed: His haunted imagination gave him no peace.
3. disturbed; distressed; worried: Haunted by doubt he again turned to law books on the subject.

Few weeks ago, I was on msn, a friend of mine nudged me and we started off conversations and after long winding greetings and formality, my friend asked me a question that is still linger in my brain, my heart, my body, everywhere ... the air was tight, barely breathe, somehow it was miracle that i didn't pretend to be on offline status after seeing the statements plus the question. I was stunned, devastated.

Do you ever wasted a person's time say 2-3 years or more without knowing it? Let me give u a situation, Imagine you cook maggie mee and your housemate wanted or in need to use the kitchen, but you didn't know and you cook slowly, +egg + sotong + meat ball, and you end up spending 1 hr include washing dishes. Although your housemate didn't tell you, but if he told you, you might say OMGosh! sorry sorry ! You might also feel resent and think why didn't he come and let you know ASAP, why wait till 1 hr ??

Now imagine you enlarge the time frame from 1 hr to 3-4 years, sorry or the anger is just too large to be scaled, even till today, i still couldn't find a way to balance it up. poor me ! So, I am still haunted by myself !


When arts met perfect !

>> Saturday, October 25, 2008

Alas, my blogger blog is finally come to temporary end ... i guess it worth the 2 days hard work trying to create and putting everything together.. I am satisfied ! Hmm... when i was younger, i had this fantasy of the world in one single colour. Imagine green lights, green roads, green this and that, everything seems so simple .. the theme colour of my new blog are blacks and white. It creates a sense of dreaming (do you ever realise we dream in black and white ?), I like the way it represents something i wish to become or the desire to be someone or the desperation to do something.

The title "Where will Life take me " is actually inspired by LV advertisement, i like how the words being used as retheoretical question with a sense of uneasy and unsure towards the future. We know what we want to do in the future, but are things going to turn out exactly like the way we expected ? Unsure.. maybe yes ..or maybe no ... who knows !! blah blah blah .... It is like when we touch on the topic of "future" we have hell lots of thing wannna say, but yet we aren't sure if the reality works that way !

It clearly fits in with the colour theme philosophy i emphasized earlier on. So i guess ... PerFect ! :)

Oh yea .. and another simple reason I create this blogger blog is because msn myspace is really terrible and awful and doesn't have much application. There you go.. my boy ! Zach, You've done it AGAIN!


Day 2 Changelog

Day 2

Changelog to my Blog

  • Add Clock and change the position
  • Change Blog Archieves
  • Added Playlist space
  • Removed SlideShow
  • Added Pictures besides Blog
So far so good ! :D


Blog moved !!

>> Friday, October 24, 2008

Welcome to my Blogger blog :D


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